Board of Directors
2024-2025 OCEA President
Laura Robertson
Laura has been part of the OCEA since 2017, first as a member of the Waterloo team, and then returning as a warmup rider and West Zone Head since graduating. She is super excited to be joining the BoD for 2024/2025 to continue to support the OCEA and make it a fun & safe experience for everyone involved!
2024-2025 OCEA Vice-President
Kaitlin Davis
Kaitlin has been part of the OCEA since 2020, having a blast with the Laurier team for two years, and returning as a warm up rider and horse donor since graduating and beginning her career in marketing. She is super excited to be joining the BoD for 2024/2025 to continue to support the OCEA and help it thrive!
2024-2025 OCEA Zone Support
Jenna Bavota
Jenna has been a member of the OCEA since 2019. She has been a team member and Captain of the Western team, and Membership Coordinator for the West Zone while she completed her undergrad in Medical Sciences. She is excited to work with captains and exec to continue helping the OCEA grow in the Zone Support role on the Board of Directors.
2024-2025 OCEA Treasurer
Emma Hamilton
Emma has been a member of the OCEA since 2017 with McMaster Equestrian Team while completing her B.Comm in Integrated Business and Humanities. She is the Communications Lead at Friday Harbour Resort and Co-Owner of Carrot & Stick Horse Shows, hosted at the Essa Agriplex.
2024-2025 OCEA Secretary
Erin Moore
Erin has participated in and experienced all sides of the OCEA from being a competitor, team executive, and zone head. After finishing up her undergraduate degree this year, she hopes to pursue postgraduate studies in sport management. Erin is honoured to have the opportunity to assist in managing and developing the OCEA circuit.
2024-2025 OCEA Horse Welfare Coordinators
Kennis Ross & Gracie Walker
OCEA Communications Intern
Amaani Khan
Kennis and Gracie have both been apart of the OCEA for several years and have held roles as team captains and executives in their respective zones. They have both recently graduated from their undergraduate degrees and are excited to contribute to the OCEA as passionate alumni. This year Kennis is beginning her Masters in Biology at UOttawa and Gracie is completing a working student position with event rider Jessica Phoenix.
Amaani has been a member of the OCEA since 2020 as a McMaster competitor and student in the Honours Life Sciences program. She is excited to be starting her Masters of Science at the University of Oxford this fall, and becoming involved with the OCEA in a new way as an alum!